Marble deposits can be exploited in open-pit quarries, they can be 95% in open-air quarries and 5% in caves or mines. Marble is found at ground level or at great depths, which makes the cost of its extraction very high. Formerly the extraction of this stone was done manually with wooden wedges, halters, ropes, picks and shovels. Today the extraction of marble, in addition to being expensive, is dangerous, since explosives and heavy machinery are used and when working outdoors, the person is exposed to the fall of some stone, for which many lives have been lost in the quarries. The explosive material is used exclusively to isolate the marble to be extracted from the rubble and blocks.

On the other hand, the cutting of the marble blocks is carried out by means of a cable saw, a system that allows obtaining blocks of the desired dimensions and intact, without any breaking surface, in addition, diamond wires, fantini and all kinds of machinery are used. Untitled next generation. We must take into account that in the same marble quarry you can find a single type or several types of marble, for example in Macael, Almería, Spain blocks of yellow, white, gray and green marble can be extracted from the same quarry, which, when cut, are reduced to smaller portions and taken to sawmills and factories for their elaboration, in addition, special machines and sheets of different dimensions are used, which later allow their polishing. Before placing the marble sheets in the desired place, these slabs undergo a final polishing operation, to give them brilliance and enhance their beauty.

The most important quarries are located in Canada, Italy, Germany, Spain, India and China, although the marble can be found in almost any part of the world. Most of the marbles are named from the quarry where they were found for the first time. Some of the most famous marble quarries and their origin are: the Black marble of Kilkenny, Ireland; Macael White Marble in Spain; the Makrana marble in India; the Vietnamese white marble; the Carrara of Italy; the Texas rose marble; the green marble of Pakistan; the Vermont marble; the China Beijing white marble; the Coyote quarry in Mexico and the Yule in Colorado.